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If you truly want to enjoy the night of Nagasaki, we strongly recommend you to visit this bar called “bar Miura”. Once you step inside this bar, you would think the time has gone backwards. For foreign travelers visiting Japan, you will surely love this space.

Take a look at the counter table which is made of solid wood and when you look up, you’ll see traditional Japanese carvings at the transom. Also notice there are shoji and fusuma sliding doors inside the bar. Even bonsai and seasonal flowers are there to settle your mind. All these help you appreciate the good old tastes of Japan. Now enjoy liquors, cocktails or wine... with various antique baccarat glasses, a truly Nagasaki style of drinking and you surely will enjoy the fusion of the east and the west cultures.

Today,“Japanese Whiskey” is precious worldwide but here at bar Miura, you can enjoy it with ease. Enjoy “Yamazaki”, “Taketsuru” and “Hakushu” here at bar Miura that are also very popular outside Japan.

Of course Mr. Miura is particular about his selections of Scotch Whiskeys, wines and cocktails, so he surely is able to comply with any requests of yours.

We recommend that you sit at the counter seat. It is like a front row seat of a show time. You can closely watch Mr. Miura’s splended handling. It is guaranteed that just watching his movements will add to your memory of your trip.

나가사키의 밤을 제대로 즐기고 싶다면 꼭 한번 들러보아야 할 바가 있다. 이곳 ‘bar 미우라(三浦)’는 옛날의 일본으로 타임슬립 하기라도 한 듯한 곳으로, 일본을 방문한 외국인 관광객들에게는 아주 흥미로울 것이다. 원목을 통으로 사용한 카운터, 전통 조각의 교창, 또 미닫이문과 맹장지, 분재와 계절 화초까지, 예스러운 일본의 정취를 느끼며 양주와 칵테일, 와인을 마실 수 있다. 빈티지 바카라 잔까지 더해지면 그야말로 나가사키다운, 시간을 뛰어넘어 일본과 서양의 융합을 즐길 수 있는 바이다. 지금 세계적으로도 가치를 인정받은 ‘재패니즈 위스키’를 가볍게 맛볼 수 있는 것도 매력적이다. 해외에서도 많은 인기를 얻고 있는 ‘야마자키(山崎)’, ‘다케쓰루(竹鶴)’, ‘하쿠슈(白州)’도 꼭 맛보시길. 물론 스카치위스키나 와인, 칵테일도 엄선된 것들로 구비하고 있어, 손님들의 다양한 리퀘스트에도 응하고 있다. 또한 이곳에 왔다면 카운터에 앉는 것을 추천하고 싶다. 카운터 석은 마치 가장 앞 좌석에서 쇼를 관람하는 것과 같아서, 마스터의 화려한 솜씨를 가장 가까이에서 보는 것만으로도 여행의 좋은 추억이 될 것임에 틀림없다.










1-17-1F Kajiya-machi Nagasaki-city



closed Sunday

Bar Miura

Shop Infomation

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